10. The Constanitines: Kensington Heights

I never really understood The Cons until I saw them live. This album is full of slow burn tracks that they are totally gonna kill live!
9. The Hold Steady: Stay Positive

A bit of a let down comapred to Boys and Girls of America but if you get the bonus track that I found on my torrent the whole thing turns into a killer album
8. City and Colour: Bring Me Your Love
Someday EMO will be cool and this will be one of the best
albums of that genre. This might be the first decent emo-folk crossover album...but why would anyone care enough to prove me wrong.
7. Wolf Parade: At Mount Zoomer

I'm not sure if I ever gave this album enough time...perhaps over the next few months it will become amazing but for now it is just a decent follow up to "Apologies...". I may have thought more about this band than any other band (except The Beatles) in the last 3 years so my expectations might be exceedingly high. Also the album title and artwork really sucks.
6. Hot Chip: Made In The Dark

Makes me want to dance in the dark! Equal parts fast and slow dance music.

This year this band matured in front of my ears. They went from the joyousness of a twee 21 year old to the jaded cynicism of a 22 year old!
4. She and Him: Volume 1

Zoey Dachenel (of Elf fame and sister of "Bones") conqured the indie music world with the help of M Ward. A mix of classics and new classics made this album timeless (when I say timeless I mean it sounds exactly like it was made at a very specific time. So maybe this album is "timeful" but thats not a word). I think my mom might even like it
3. Tokyo Police Club: Elephant Shell

This band delivered exactly what they promised on their "Lesson In Crime" EP. This album is just full of catchy tunes...hard not to like.
2. Vampire Weekend: Vampire Weekend

This album was released in January but it is full of summer songs and survived a full year's worth of hype. It might be an instant classic. Again, Mom might like it too.
1. Thao & The Get Down Stay Down: We Brave Bee Stings And All

I already told you what I thought of this...don't make me repeat myself, the internet has only so much space.